Become a Vital Energy Medicine Teacher & Energy Healer

Do you want to be an Energy Healer, Teacher or Spiritual Master and help others?

Kris, One of Brendan Thorson’s Students Talks About Healing & Spiritual Benefits of Teaching

Energy healing and teaching in our Vital Energy Medicine practice is the secret path to reaching self-mastery and high levels with one’s health, vitality, spirituality and becoming a master energy healer or teacher. For example, when a Vital Energy Medicine student teacher (or healer) helps others they are rewarded with support from the heavens to help them with their health and development.

Help your friends, loved one’s and family. Youth and seniors. Work with people in person or online any where in the word. Work with chronic health conditions. Empower people and help them transform their health and life.

Teacher/ Healer Training info:

  • In Brendan’s Vital Energy Medicine teacher training you will receive energy support, learn skills and knowledge to become an excellent teacher and energy healer.
  • Teacher/ Healer training will be available in the 2-Day Energy Healer and Teacher Workshops, private sessions and in some weekly online classes there will be some times to practice
  • Energy Healer & Teacher Trainining Workshop. 9/21 & 9/22

Brendan has been shown by the heavens how to work with many chronic health conditions and how to teach students to become master students, teachers and healers. Brendan has been guided to create an organization to help energy medicine teaching and energy healing become mainstream and teach millions of people to become master energy medicine teachers and healers.

Brendan’s Vital Energy Medicine practice has a deep and powerful lineage that supports students to become true masters from the depth of their heart with the support of the heavens.

Brendan has helped many Reiki masters and other healers and practitioners from many other groups to further their healing and their teaching abilities.

Some keys to becoming a VitalEnergy Medicine healer or teacher:

  • Have an open heart and desire to help others.
  • The key to developing as a teacher is teaching with an open heart.
  • The key to developing as a healer is helping heal others with an open heart.

Contact Brendan Thorson at 206-354-8216 or to discuss training to becoming a Vital Energy Medicine Healer/ teacher.