
What is Qi or Chi energy? I had a friend recently say to me “It’s like all in your head, right? The Qi?” Wrong. I once told a Yoga instructor I was taking Qigong lessons and she said “Oh, I love those little dances you do.” This is not the type of Qigong that has worked for me, the kind that actually generates qi energy. The kind of Qigong I practice is Yi Ren Qigong, created from ancient Chinese Traditions.

Qi energy is not something imagined or a trick: It has to be felt to be believed and cannot be fully explained or understood with words. However, the Qi can energize your mind and body and bring balance to both: I have felt it work in my life and have been practicing Qigong and Tai Chi since the fall. However, in order for one to truly feel qi, one has to practice Qigong and Tai Chi correctly. Enter my teacher Brendan Thorson.

I remember feeling really unbalanced and moody/depressed off and on over the least few years. There could be a plethora of reasons for this, but they are not important. I looked for answers everywhere: herbs, anti-anxiety and depression meds, exercise, meditation etc, all of which worked a little, but not enough. One day I spoke with Brendan Thorson at the gym where I workout, and he told me about his new career path as a Qigong/Tai Chi instructor. So I decided to check out one of his intro-classes. What I was in for was a sensation I have never felt before. It was as if I discovered a well of energy within my body.

The first time I experienced Qi, it felt as though static electricity was traveling up my arms and down my torso. It was subtle the first two sessions of Qigong, but over the ensuing weeks, became stronger and stronger.

Of course, everybody has bad days, right? I recently had a horrible day and was going completely bonkers. That evening I attended a Qigong review session with Brendan Thorson and afterwards, felt more balanced and more energized. My sour attitude even changed from grumpy to at ease and optimistic. I felt stronger when going to the gym after the class, where (in addition to lifting weights) I practiced the natural progression of Qigong, Tai Chi: The two complement each other wonderfully. Moreover (although this takes awhile for most to develop this sense) , I do not crave “junk food” as much as my body is more able to decipher which foods are good and which are bad for my particular system, almost by sense of smell or intuition. I am not kidding. This is not to say that everyone will develop this sense as quickly, but most people will definitely feel the Qi, and it will help them restore balance and rejuvenate their bodies.

Brian – January 8th 2010