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Qigong Secrets to Menopause & Low Testosterone

By Brendan Thorson, LMP
& edited by Brian Kidd, 3/1/2012

This article is published in the 2012 Autumn issue of the Qi-Journal Magazine

Would you like to maintain youthful vitality into your elder years and skip the dramatic mid-life health decline that naturally occurs when both men and women have a significant reduction in their reproductive hormone levels?  Modern Medicine offers hormone replacement therapy to help some people ease into old age, but evidence has shown there are many side effects and risks that may outweigh the gains for those who do not want to gamble with their health.

Fortunately for those who truly cherish their health and life, the Ancient Qigong Masters Secrets to potentially reverse, prevent or delay the onset of Menopause and Low Testosterone (or Andropause) are available to you from Genesis Qigong Training.  Genesis Qigong can help you to naturally maintain and transform your health, energy levels and reproductive hormones. This can make it possible to prolong your youthful vitality and to help you obtain longevity with robust internal energies, strength and peace throughout.

Symptoms of female hormone imbalance

Acne or oily skin
Bone loss
Decreased fertility
Excess facial and body hair
Hot flashes
Heavy or painful periods
Irregular periods
Loss of muscle mass
Loss of scalp hair
Low libido
Memory lapses
Mood swings
Night sweats
Poor concentration
Sleep disturbances
Tender or fibrocystic breasts
Urinary incontinence
Vaginal dryness
Weight gain

Menopause and Low Testosterone is usually caused by a gradual decline of internal energies and energy systems of the body. This results in a weakened reproductive system and lower production of reproductive energies and hormones.  This is similar to the premature deterioration of a car that is not well maintained and regularly serviced.  Chinese Medicine believes women reach their peak strength at the age of 28 and men at the age of 32.  Then both sexes energies gradually weaken as the years pass, because they are leaking vital energy. By the time they are in their late 40s or mid 50s both sexes internal energies will commonly degrade to the point that their reproductive energies are significantly compromised. This will result in the body and mind getting weaker and initiate the process of growing old.1

Symptoms of male hormone imbalance

Bone loss
Decreased mental clarity
Decreased muscle strength
Decreased stamina
Decreased urine flow
Erectile dysfunction
Hot flashes
Increased abdominal fat
Increased urge to urinate
Low sex drive
Mood swings
Night sweats
Poor concentration
Sleep disturbances

There are many health complications related to the process of mid-life change. These include the glands not working at an optimal level resulting, in lower hormone production and the depletion of vital internal energies.  For instance, women commonly experience hot flashes, irritability, anxiety, loss of scalp hair, excess facial hair, and weak muscles and joints.  While men commonly experience decreased muscular strength, stamina, erectile dysfunction, increased body fat and poor sleep.2 (see attached chart for more details)  All the above symptoms are a clear sign that the body has lost its original power and natural internal energy balance.  If we were to see a young person with all of the above noted health problems, we would feel sorry for that individual and hope he had a way to regain his health and youthful vitality. If you had the choice between living with the aforementioned symptoms and health complications or enjoying your mid-life and beyond, which would you choose?

Genesis Qigong can reset the internal energy programs by reorganizing the internal energy systems so a person can gain energy, as opposed to losing energy as he or she ages.  Using our car analogy, this would be like getting your vehicle regularly serviced and well maintained. For some people this would be like getting a major overhaul, including rebuilding the car’s entire engine to transform it from a jalopy to a gem. The energy systems that would be reprogrammed include the reproductive energies and hormones to maintain health and avoid the natural aging process most people experience in their mid life. Genesis Qigong training begins to improve and harmonize our internal energy levels including the functioning of the organs and glands.   There are many key centers and areas of the body that need to be developed to upgrade the whole energy system in a balanced way.

The 3-steps directly related to the development and maintenance of the reproductive system that take place in development of the energy body from levels 1-3 in the Genesis Qigong Training:

  1. The activation of the “Power Center” Sacrum related to boosting the energy levels of the reproductive system.
The Sacrum (

The development of the Reproductive Energy Pathways and reproductive glands which include the Testes/Prostate or Ovaries/Uterus.Reversing the energy flow of the reproductive energies from outward to inward. This will allow the body to digest more of its reproductive energies for upgrading our energy levels that can be used for healing, personal growth and spiritual development, just like our energy system was when we were children.

You may be asking yourself is it really possible to reset and enhance my internal energies and postpone or prevent Menopause or Low Testosterone?  I believe the answer is yes.   When I first began this training at the age of 30 my body was prematurely worn down, weak and exhausted—I felt like an exhausted broken down old-man stuck in a young-man’s body.  Genesis Qigong has allowed me to rebuild my once broken down mind and body.  A major key to the strengthening and healing of my body has been the empowering of my reproductive system and increased levels of reproductive hormones as a result of my Qigong training.  A process that could be described as second puberty or adult puberty lead to a slight deepening of my voice, increased facial hair, a boosting of my reproductive system and reproductive system aliveness like I had as a teenager.  The above noted changes were important to help me become more masculine, but the real long term benefits from my upgraded reproductive system is the increased regeneration power my body now has for greater healing, vitality, longevity, and development for my life.

I also notice sometimes during my qigong practice that I can feel the reproductive glands are very alive, active and can sense the energy flow backward into my body and then circulate to other areas of my body like my organs, bones, fascia, and muscles for healing and tonification.  This is described as the reverse energy flow in Qigong—so one can be like a child again.  Like the energy flow of babies and kids before reaching puberty.  That gives children the amazing power to physically and mentally grow and develop.

To date I have had numerous male and female students with ages ranging from Teens to 70s that have significantly increased their internal strength, vitality and energies.  I have visually watched students reverse their biological age and heard umpteen testimonials related to their healing and health benefits related to reproductive hormone imbalance symptoms.

Female Genesis Qigong Health Benefits Related to Hormone Symptom Imbalances (Ages 40s-70s):

  • Increased Stamina
  • Significant reduction in depression
  • Overcome Hot Flashes
  • Feel Calmer & Balance of Excess Emotions
  • Sleep Improvements
  • Improvements to Memory & Concentration Levels
  • Reversed Aging Process of Reproductive Organs
  • Improved Muscle Tone and Body Shape
  • Softer, Firmer & more Elastic Face and Body Skin
  • Genesis Qigong Facelifts—A) Droopy Faces Tighten Up.  B) Withered & Wrinkly Faces become softer more Elastic & Less Wrinkly.  C) Face Color Improvements

Male Genesis Qigong Health Benefits Related to Hormone Symptom Imbalances (Ages 40s – 70s):

  • Significant reduction in depression
  • Significant Sleep Improvements
  • Increased Strength and Stamina
  • Enhanced Sexual Power
  • Improved Concentration
  • Decreased Abdominal Fat
  • Softer, Firmer & more Elastic Face and Body Skin
  • Genesis Qigong Facelifts—A) Droopy Faces Tighten Up.  B) Withered & Wrinkly Faces become softer more Elastic & Less Wrinkly.  C) Face Color Improvements

To Summarize, Genesis Qigong can help you overcome health imbalances related to Menopause and Low Testosterone.  If you are willing to make this practice a priority in your life then you may also be able to experience what I described as a “second Puberty” to help you gain extra internal power of your regeneration energies to help you have youthful vitality and longevity.

  1. Tyme, L.Ac. The Student Manual on the Fundamentals of Traditional Oriental Medicine 2nd addition.  Living Earth Educational Services.  San Diego:  1996.

Transcending Fears and Stress with Genesis Qigong

By Brendan Thorson, 3/4/2012

Would you like to transform your Fears to Self-Empowerment and Transcend your Stress to Self-Confidence?  Fears can lock us into imaginary prison cells that steal our freedom, make us small, weak and prevent us from living our life to the fullest.  While long term excess stress robs our mind and body of essential internal energies causing exhaustion, lack of internal peace and a strain on the relationships with the one’s we love most.  Genesis Qigong can assist you to transform your fears and stress to help you become self-empowered and confident—leading to greater internal happiness and a higher quality of life.

Some fears are real and valid like knowing that jumping off a big rocky mountain cliff could result in a tragedy to your life.  But most fears that people have are not life threatening at all, in fact they are old unhealthy programs that need to be deleted out of their system.  Not much different than a computer’s antivirus system finding and deleting a threat to your computer, but if the threat is not found it could lead to an infected and damaged computer/ or person.

Fears are negative emotions related to the Kidneys and when one has fears, they leak energy from the Kidneys like air leaking out of a tire with a hole in it.  With Genesis Qigong we energize and empower the Kidneys so one will begin to have greater Internal-Power and determination.  This will allow one to improve their internal strength and naturally overcome many things that once caused them fear and support them to achieve their goals and dreams.  In addition, as one gets more advanced with their internal martial arts they can begin to find old internal viruses (fears) and delete them out of their system just like computers antivirus system.

Similar to fears, Stress can also be good or bad.  Good or the appropriate amount of stress for an individual can help them to get stronger and build up their stress capacity just like how the appropriate stress of weight training can help one to build up their muscular stronger.  However, if someone has to regularly experience a significant amount of stress beyond their bodies capacity then they will eventually get stuck in the “fight or flight” response.  “If stress continues, the adrenal glands produce cortisol within ten minutes to raise blood sugar and insulin levels, move blood to muscles and away from digestion, lower levels of sex hormones and break down protein stores for energy.”  “Continued stress eventually leads to the Maladapted stage, in which the body starts to break down from the effects of elevated cortisol.”  “Cortisol imbalance can lead to fatigue, weight gain, immune suppression, and susceptibility to colds and flu, joint pains, mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia and digestive symptoms”.1

Qigong can quickly help someone to get out of being stuck in the fight or flight stage where the Adrenals are stuck-on-go.  We begin to correct this imbalance in the level-1 course and in my introductory classes by activating the Kidneys and Life-Gate Center which resets the Adrenals so one can begin to feel energized but very calm at the same time.  Then with continued practice of Genesis qigong one will be able to transform their system and learn how to manage their body like people know how to take care of their cars if they want it to have longevity with vitality—so you know when to hit the breaks, step on the gas, fill up the tank of gas, and change the oil…

When you are ready to transform your life, find your internal freedom and overcome obstacles in the road like fears and stress then jump on the Genesis Qigong bus and learn how to drive yourself to a brighter future for your health, happiness and life.

  1. Charles A. Moss MD Power of the Five Elements. North Atlantic Books. Berkley, CA: 2010

Qigong and Taichi classes and seminars taught in Seattle, WA and throughout the Puget Sound and the Pacific Northwest.

Secrets to Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue

Transforming Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue with Genesis Qigong

By Brendan Thorson 3/25/2012,

Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue is a serious health problem significantly compromising the life quality of millions of Americans and people throughout the world.  It is estimated that 59 million Americans suffer from Thyroid issues and many of them are not aware of it.1   Adrenal Fatigue is a stress syndrome caused in large part by the modern man’s faced paced stressful lifestyle.2  As a result, It is estimated that Adrenal Fatigue will affect 80% of Americans at one point in their life.2

Scientists’ have found a clear connection between excess Stress compromising both the Adrenal and Thyroid Glands and compromised Adrenal glands further compromising the Thyroid function.3  The Ancient Masters who created Chinese Medicine understood the true internal medicine (natural internal energy flows/ patterns), the root of these diseases and the appropriate steps necessary to regain health and vitality.  Genesis Qigong can connect one to the Ancient Masters Energy Medicine for true internal healing and upgrades of the vital energies, organs and glands to assist one to regain a higher quality of life.

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

  1. Energy crashes at different points of day
CRH = corticotrophin-releasing hormone; TRH = thyrotropin-releasing hormone; ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone; T4 = thyroxine; T3 = triiodothyronine.

AnxietySugar/salt cravingsPoor appetite in the morningsSensitivity to loud noisesTremblingDisturbed sleepHypoglycemic episodesFrequent colds/infectionsPalpitations/chest painsThin, brittle nails

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

  1. Hair loss
  2. Dry skin
  3. Eyebrow hair thinning
  4. Persistent fatigue
  5. Depression
  6. Under-reactive to stimuli
  7. Intolerant of heat


  1. Low energy
  2. Cold hands
  3. Low body temperature
  4. Weight gain
  5. Sluggish digestion.4

Adrenal Glands:

The Adrenal glands are famous for their role in helping us deal with stress.  “The main hormones of the stress response are adrenalin (epinephrine) and cortisol.  When a person responds to any long-term stressful situation, they first ramp up production of epinephrine, then cortisol to deal with that life challenge, whether illness, family issues, job stress, or physical or emotional trauma.  If the stress continues these hormonal changes are hard to undo”.5  “Elevated cortisol levels have been linked to all major chronic illnesses of our society: heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, and premature aging.”5

In acute cases of stress, like an accident or when the body believes it is a life or death situation the body will release adrenalin to ensure survival.  “If stress continues, the adrenal glands produce cortisol within ten minutes to raise blood sugar and insulin levels, move blood to muscles and away from digestion, lower levels of sex hormones and break down protein stores for energy.”  Continued stress eventually leads to the Maladapted stage, in which the body starts to break down from the effects of elevated cortisol.”  “Cortisol imbalance can lead to fatigue, weight gain, immune suppression, and susceptibility to colds and flu, joint pains, mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia and digestive symptoms”.  Prior to learning Yi Ren Qigong I suffered for years from fatigue, joint pains, anxieties, mild depressions, terrible sleep and I would catch a cold or a flu almost every week, as soon as I would get over one cold flu or sinus issue I would catch another one.  It was a very frustrating part of my life; however, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise since it led me to find Yi Ren Qigong, the greatest blessing of my life.5

In today’s faced-paced world, many people deal with stress on a daily basis. This fast-paced lifestyle can include stress from driving, work, family and relationships.  This type of hectic lifestyle has the potential to trigger the Adrenals, which release the hormones of Adrenalin and Cortisol to deal with the stress. However, although these hormones may be beneficial in dealing with a stressful situation, after a person reaches a certain point based on his or her body’s capacity, the body is unable to reset itself to an unstressed state, even after the stressful situation has long since passed.5

Life Gate point between Kidney’s (

In the Genesis Qigong training we begin by Resetting the Adrenal Glands by activating the Kidneys/ Life Gate Center.  This resetting relaxes the Adrenals and the stress response of the Adrenals so one can feel more relaxed.  While simultaneously empowering the Life Gate/ Kidney Center to improve internal energy levels and stress capacity.  With continued practice we build up the Kidney energies to higher and higher levels—allowing one to enhance their internal energies and become more grounded—further strengthening one’s stress capacity.

Yesterday, Sunday 3/25/2012 I had an introductory class at East West Bookshop in Seattle, WA.  The title of the class was Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue.  There were 7 new students at the class that all said they had Thyroid and or Adrenal issues.  I was delighted to hear from all the students that after we activated the Life-Gate/Kidney center they all felt a big energy transformation occur in themselves–the common words I heard from them were I feel great, more relaxed, peaceful feeling and energized at the same time.  Also, 6 of the 7 students felt a very clear and significant energy feelings between their hands and arms (palpable–magnetic or taffy like feelings) during the Energy Field Construction Exercise and the 1-student who did not clearly feel the energy between her hands said she felt a tingling sensation on her hands and throughout her whole body–a clear indication her energy system was getting energized.  I was very happy the participants had a good experience and now personally know that Yi Ren Qigong can transform their life and health if they choose to pursue the training.  I also shared with them that in some situations (if someone’s energy levels are really low) they could truly benefit from one or more Qigong healing sessions, in addition to the classes, which from my experience significantly helps one to more quickly upgrade their internal energies (stabilize their Internal Battery).

Thyroid Gland:

“The thyroid hormones control your metabolism, which is the body’s ability to break down food and store it as energy and the ability to break down food into waste products with a release of energy in the process.”6  Fatigue is the highest complaint of people suffering from Thyroid issues including depression, anxiety, poor sleep, weight issues, and joint and muscle issues too.7

The Adrenals and Thyroid:

“There is an intrinsic relationship between thyroid function and adrenal function. The adrenal glands are largely under control of the sympathetic nervous system. The thyroid is strongly influenced by the parasympathetic nervous system. Often it is the case that someone with hypothyroidism is in a parasympathetic-dominant state, which means the sympathetic nervous system is weaker.”3

“A deeper look at adrenal, hypothalamus and thyroid relationships shows how weakened or burned out adrenal glands will cause a cascade of problems for thyroid functioning.”3

As one continues with the Genesis Qigong training going through all of the core classes levels 1-3 we activate and energize the complete internal enrgy network (all of the major energy centers, chakras, organs, glands, Brain, Nervous system and internal energy pathways.  Thus, we are able to upgrade all of our vital internal energies, organs—organ systems, and glands—endocrine systems.  Then with further development and practice one will gradually improve all of their internal energies including their Adrenals and Thyroid glands and all their supporting and complimentary energies.  In addition, someone with Thyroid and or Adrenal Fatigue will be able to create their own personalized exercise program to bring them to greater internal energy, balance and health.

Lifestyle, Personal Awareness and Health:

In addition, usually one ends up with problems like Thyroid or Adrenal issues because their lifestyle, foods, thoughts–emotional health, were not in harmony with their body.  Internal conflicts and many lifestyle choices people make can cause one to drain their internal energies.  Genesis Qigong practitioners begin to develop a greater connection between their mind and body.  Thus, with time one increases their internal awareness which allows one to be able to see how the choices they make with their lifestyle, foods, thoughts… truly effect them positively or negatively.  As a result, with time one is able to make changes to their life that can be a major factor in helping one to achieve better energy levels and harmony in their life.

In conclusion, Genesis Qigong can help one overcome Adrenals and Thyroid fatigue by allowing and supporting one to improve all of their internal energies to give them an opportunity to dramatically improve their quality of life.  I know from my own personal experience that this training can help one to transform their health and life potentially back to the internal balance one normally has as a child.  If you want to overcome your Adrenal and Thyroid issues this may be the best choice to help you truly regain balanced health.

For more information on hormones and Genesis Qigong please visit Balancing Hormones for Improved Energy





5.  Charles A. Moss MD Power of the Five Elements. North Atlantic Books. Berkley, CA: 2010

6. ”The Endocrine System: Endocrine Glands & Types of Hormones.”  2012.  23 Jan. 2012

7. “Top 10 Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Problem:

Millions of People Have Undiagnosed Thyroid Conditions.”  2009. Mary Shomon 23 Jan. 2012

Qigong Secrets to PMS

Transforming PMS w/ Genesis Qigong & Taichi

By Brendan Thorson 3/27/2012,

Throughout my years of practicing and teaching Genesis Qigong and Taichi I have seen many students transform Mild to Severe PMS with this Ancient Energy Medicine.  “Scientists don’t know exactly why women get PMS or why some women experience it more severely than others.”1  Many people believe PMS can not be improved and many women have been programmed to think they have to accept it as a women.  The Ancient Masters who created Chinese Medicine unlike today’s Modern Medicine knew PMS was the result of blood and qi imbalances and stagnation in specific organs and organs systems.

As noted earlier Chinese Medicine created by the Ancient qigong Masters use herbs and acupuncture to help women improve their PMS by improving the internal balance of their Blood and Qi.  In fact, they see the Liver as the primary organ responsible for PMS because of its role in the distribution of blood, energy and evenness of emotions.  As a result, in most cases the physical discomfort and excessive emotional feelings women get who suffer from PMS is connected to the liver and it’s associated organs.2

Genesis Qigong can transform PMS.  With Genesis Qigong one can greatly improve their internal energies and their internal energy flow which can quickly bring better internal harmony and strongly reduce ones PMS.  To be more specific Genesis Qigong practitioners begin to not only improve their internal energies, but also bring harmony to all the internal energies like their Yin/ Yang, 5-elements (organs), and the endocrine glands (hormones).  Also, one with PMS (or anyone else with any kind of energy imbalance or weakness) will be able to create their own personalized exercise program to focus on bringing greater harmony to any internal energy system that is out of balance like the Liver and or Reproductive glands if that is the bodies highest priority.

All of the organs and organ systems are intertwined and dependent on the health of the other organ systems.  Therefore, ultimately the health of the Liver is dependent on the health of all the other organs in the 5-element system and appropriate levels of qi, yin, yang, and blood.  The 5-elements consist of the Wood (Liver/ Gall Bladder), Fire (Heart/ Small Intestines), Earth (Pancreas/ Stomach), Metal (Lungs/ Large Intestines), and Water (Kidneys/ Urinary Bladder).  In addition, there is the Reproductive system and Spleen/ Lymphatic System which are special organs related to maintaining the vitality, safety and protection of all the 5-elements (organs systems).

As a result, if one were to have an imbalanced Liver then the other organs health and balance will also be negatively affected.  While at the same time if the health of an organ other than the Liver becomes imbalanced it will begin to cause imbalances to the other organs too.

For instance, based on my understanding, during the time of the month a women’s body is preparing for the new moon cycle the Liver’s work load is increased.   Then, as soon as the Liver work load is pushed past its work capacity then PMS symptoms begin to show up.  Thus, the PMS signals are an indicator the Liver is being pushed past its capacity.  As noted above the Liver is responsible for uneven emotions and a few of the emotions related to the Liver are Anger, Frustration and Disappointment.

The Liver being pushed past its capacity is similar to a big cities and automobile traffic:

  1. A city where traffic congestion is not overwhelmed during Rush-Hour.  Like the Liver of a women who does not have PMS
  2. During Rush-hour/s the traffic on the major roads are overwhelmed with traffic and the commute is very slow.  Like the Liver of a women with Mild-PMS
  3. Add road construction and accidents to the mix of example #2 and traffic is a nightmare!   Like the Liver of a women with Severe-PMS

I had one student that suffered from severe PMS her whole adult life that would more or less cripple her from regular life for about 10-days each month.  Prior to her studying Yi Ren Qigong she used Chinese Herbal Therapy to help her with her PMS and it minimized her pain, but it did not come close to helping her achieve a normal life.  Then, once she began the qigong she made significant progress with her health and greatly reduced her PMS so she could live a normal life each month.  She learned to increase the time she spent with her qigong practice every month when she began to feel the PMS rising up and then it would keep it from getting bad. Unfortunately she only completed the level-1 course before she moved out of Washington state.  I believe if she would have continued with the training to level-2 (where we focus on cultivating and developing the internal organs and organ pathways) she would have completely overcome her PMS.  Before learning Yi Ren Qigong she had extreme energy blockages in her uterus and guts that were revealed to her and opened up from the qigong that initiated the major health shift she experienced.

I had another female student who shared with me that she had been seeing an acupuncturist regularly for a couple of years prior to learning Genesis Qigong and the acupuncturist always told her that her Liver Qi was stagnant.  Then, after begining Genesis qigong and her learning the Liver/ Gall Bladder exercise her Acupuncturist reported that her Liver Qi was no longer stagnant.  Stagnant Liver Qi can cause a host of emotional and health imbalances including PMS symptoms.

From my experience I have seen many friends and students use both Chinese Medicine, food therapy and Genesis Qigong to help them with PMS.  The feedback I have gotten from these ladies has been very consistent.  Most have found Genesis Qigong to be the most effective at reducing PMS.  While a combination of Genesis Qigong, Chinese herbs and food therapy combined to be the best overall cure to completely overcome their internal energy imbalances and stagnation.

In conclusion, Genesis Qigong can be the key to help you overcome PMS and improve your internal energy imbalances to help you achieve a higher quality life.  PMS symptoms like all other pain in the body is a signal telling the individual there are internal energy imbalances that need to be addressed so they can obtain higher levels of internal peace, harmony, health and vitality.  If someone re-balances their internal energies and dramatically reduces or eliminates PMS then they will have transformed their life and be able to obtain greater joy and internal freedom.  Ideally ladies should not need to take pain medicine related to their menstrual cycle.


2. Harriet Beinfeld, L.Ac. and Efrem Korngold, L.Ac. Between Heaven and Earth. Ballatine Books. New York:1991

Transforming Negative Attitudes & Emotions with Genesis Qigong & Taichi

Overcoming negative emotions and bad attitudes with Genesis Qigong

By Brendan Thorson 4/3/2012,

Many people struggle with negative attitudes and emotions that dramatically affect the quality of their life and the people they attract to their life.  Most people who are very negative may not even realize they are such a downer for others to be around and how their attitude and negative emotional pattern is depleting and polluting their life and energy system.  Men and women do not just wake up one day with a bad attitude and or emotionally full of negative emotions like Fear, Anger, Panic, Frustration, Grief, Sadness, Closed-Heart….  From my understanding this is something that originates from the following:

  1. Negative experiences one personally experiences that hurt us and begin to take us away from our natural self–resulting in low self confidence, lack of integrity, dignity, self pity, closed heart….
  2. The environment one lives in (family, religion, school, friends…) can alter a persons reality and cause one to have many limiting unhealthy views about them-self and the world
  3. Family issues like fears and depression passed from one generation to the next that could have originated from a grandparent many generations back

In most cases this is something that gradually happens to people over a period of time from negative experiences or programs installed into us–like a virus gradually wreaking havoc on a computer.  However, there are times that a major experience can cause a person to change really fast–like how some computer viruses can quickly destroy or mess up a computer system (I have seen these types of issues arise from a parent and the loss of their child).

The list of things that hurt and alter people are far and wide including being hurt be a parent, significant other or loved one, a stressful job or loss of job, comparing your financial situation, job, significant other and family to another persons life…..

Today in our society there is so much fear from parents that their child will be abused or abducted that some children are fearful to talk with strangers, even if their parent/s are a few feet away, and these excess fears could haunt the children throughout their lifetime.  Children are very sensitive and are easily influenced or programmed from what they emotionally feel from their parents and hear their parents talk about–like a divorced mother’s negative comments about a child’s father, could lead to unwarranted bad feelings from a child toward his father affecting a lifetime bond.

Everyone deals with negative experiences in different ways and how we process the negative experiences we experience has a dramatic impact on how something will affect us in the future.  Some people are better at accepting things and letting them come and go while others are unable to accept and detach from things that it affects them for the rest of their life.

Regardless how one ends up stuck with a bad attitude or full of negative emotions they can use Qigong to transform their negative emotions and attitudes to dramatically enhance their life.

  1. With Genesis Qigong we can begin to improve our energy levels that will naturally help one to feel better.
  2. Continued practice leads to the release of many old negative feelings stuck in our system.
  3. At one point our awareness levels grow and we can begin to better see how our thoughts and ways of dealing with situations affect us positively or negatively.
  4. Our increased awareness levels guide us to better internal management allowing one to adjust and modify (upgrade) the way we deal with situations to minimize how something can negatively affect us.
  5. With further deepening of our awareness levels our consciousness integrates with our subconscious and then we are able to hear/see more depth and details of our insides including the origin of our negativity leading to even greater internal awareness and then we use the internal martial arts to fight and kill the our deep negativity at the source.
  6. Bringing us greater peace, joy as we detoxify ourselves from our internal poisons.

“Bone Marrow Washing” Student update #3: Kidneys-like Hot Coals & Energy Flame Body (original article 12/20/2011)

By Brendan Thorson 4/15/2012,

Two weeks ago (3/31 and 4/1) at the Qigong Sound Energy Correspondence Seminar the “Bone Marrow Washing Student” began to experience new stages in the development of her energy body and deep healing happening at the organ level.

Over the past two months prior to this Sound Energy Center Correspondence Seminar she has continued to take 2 weekly classes (is currently taking the Jing and Rou class and the Level-3 class) and all the weekend seminars I have had recently (Levels 1 and 2).  She is continuing to build up her energy levels, as a result her energy and inner strength has gotten significantly deeper and more solid!  She is just continuing to get biologically younger and fresher feeling as every week and month pass!!

She had a few profound experiences during the Sound Energy Center Correspondence seminar: