Nature’s Tranquility Can Be Created from Vital Energy Medicine
“When I met Brendan as a yoga teacher under Seattle’s dismal skies, I was a lost soul looking for a much more rewarding life. I didn’t have any of the answers, but soon came to find that Brendan was an excellent Energy Medicine instructor and listener who somehow just knew what energy medicine exercises to teach and guidance to offer. Quickly I found Brendan to be a confident, kind, and generous teacher. Within weeks I was unsticking a lifetime of clogged energy. I became more grounded and centered and my racing thoughts began slowing down. I began feeling more joy and happiness. Since that time, I have radically changed my views on what is possible with training like Energy Medicine. My psychotherapy has been buoyed by what I learned from Brendan so many years ago. Brendan is definitely the real deal as a person, teacher, and coach.”
“I started taking Vital Energy Medicine with Brendan Thorson over a year ago. I had never taken an Energy Medicine class before and didn’t know what to expect. During the very first session I began to feel a startling sensation: a magnetic, taffy-like energy between my hands and a current spiraling from my head through the core of my body. Admittedly, I was both unsettled and full of wonder about what this mysterious feeling was. It was energy, and my new awareness of it would change my life. Later that day after my first class, I began to feel discomfort in my chest as if a cork were stuck and trying to burst. I remember thinking that I wasn’t so sure energy was a good thing! In retrospect, I understand that the energy was working to push through years of stagnant accumulation in my chest—feelings I had held onto that were impeding my health, my ability to be open, and in general my ability to “go with the flow.” Within a couple more sessions with Brendan my chest became clear, the discomfort went away, and I began to experience a strong connection with energy during my practices. During some practices the energy felt like a gentle, cleansing waterfall through my head and hands. I could take a deep breath. I was sleeping better at night. I was feeling more vitality. A light that I hadn’t seen in my eyes for a while returned. My skin seemed to glow. I was happier and feeling more in tune with myself, connected with others, and more at ease with the ebb and flow of the universe. I became dedicated to cultivating energy and to continuing to strengthen my reserves and to leading a more aware, healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Recently I moved from Seattle to Los Angeles. What I have missed most is Brendan’s class! Whenever I come back to Seattle to visit I always try to schedule as many sessions with Brendan as I can. Brendan’s classes even partly inspired me to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Los Angeles. I love my classes and am excited to be on this new path. I am grateful to say that Brendan’s Energy Medicine class and my personal discovery of the wonders of energy cultivation have enhanced my life. I wholeheartedly recommend Brendan’s classes to anyone who is curious about exploring Energy Medicine.”