Menopausal Hot Flashes & Improved Health
“I suffered from menopausal hot flashes that were making my life so difficult. A friend told me about Brendan and his qigong. I began taking his private classes. After the first session I began to feel much better! I continued to take private sessions with him for the hot flashes for about 5 weeks and the hot flash symptoms were mostly resolved. The qigong has helped me in many ways beyond the hot flashes. So, I have continued to study with Brendan to learn more qigong and improve other areas of my life. I strongly recommend Brendan’s qigong if you have hot flashes or other areas you want to improve.”
Overcoming Addiction & Reducing Alcohol Use, Increased Self-Awareness, Personal Growth & Inner Strength
“I’ve been taking Bredan’s Qi Gong for about 4 months now. The experience I’ve had is hard to put into words so I’ll just outline some of the benefits I’ve noticed.
1.) I can feel more fully what my body does and does not want. I am much more aware of how specific types of food, exercise, activities and mental/emotional states affect me. The Qigong has greatly amplified my natural feedback system so I am much more aware of my reaction to things.
2.) I do not have the urge to drink anymore. Before I began qigong I was a very heavy drinker. I am not sure if I was an alcoholic or not, but I drank the equivalent of a bottle or two of wine daily and would get antsy when I didn’t drink. After beginning to take Qigong with Brendan my desire to drink just sort of withered away. After starting my qigong practice I was left drinking out of pure habit and realized (since there were nights that I now wasn’t drinking) that I had basically spent the last ten years of my life either constantly (at least) mildly hung over or intoxicated. Since I started doing the classes the compulsion disappeared and I have realized the negatives outweigh the positives. I’ll still have a beer or glass of wine with dinner or while out and about, but it is no longer a defining part of my life, a crutch or an impediment.
3.) I realized that my body, or whatever it is that constitutes me as a person, is different from what I, as a scientifically educated, US born, biological materialist was led to believe. My body/mind/spirit/energy being is… not more complex necessarily, but different from how I’ve always thought it to be. Manipulating the Qi energy as I am learning in QiGong is like taking the reigns on parts of my life I’ve always struggled to control.
4.) I have always suffered from anxiety. Although I can’t say I’ve come close to curing it yet, I’ve started to be able to discern large complex sets of emotions/reactions/sensations that underlie my anxiety. I’ve awakened a deeper part of my mind from which has sprung an organic symbolic/visionary language of images and sensations I can use as tools for healing myself.
On top of the above mentioned benefits I can say that through Brendan’s Qigong classes I’ve begun to develop an experientially based spirituality. I am seeing the world in a much different, more full, and better way. I can’t help feeling like I’ve stumbled upon something truly amazing.”
Calmer Mind, Empowering, Increased Strength, Healing Old Back Injury, Overcoming Addiction & Quit Smoking
“Brendan’s Qigong healed my body and aligned my spirit. I started this practice over two years ago and am still amazed at the unfolding benefits that I feel. This practice has calmed my mind and given me increased spiritual clarity. My back has been dramatically healed after trying everything from pain killers to chiropractic work. I quit smoking cigarettes thanks to the deepening awareness of my body. I am stronger and more present in my body thanks to the increased connection to the higher realms and the earth. My entire body has awakened and quite often I feel the hum of the universe coursing through me and connecting me to healing energies that before I was unable to access. This practice has been very empowering and intellectually stimulating. My entire world shifted after my first class of experiencing the chi between my hands!”
Michael, Shaman & Healer
Chiroprator Experiences Enhanced Awareness, Healing Skills & Internal Power
“I am a chiropractor, I practice in Moscow, Idaho (5 hr drive from Seattle). I’ve been studying Qigong with Brendan for six months. I’ve taken his weekend level 1, 2 and 3 classes, Jing and Rou and Moving with Qi. The material is amazing, and the speed with which it comes together is incredible. I’ve studied a variety of disciplines for over 30 years and nothing has come close to developing internal power and sensitivity the way Brendan’s material does. My ability to perceive what it is my patients need has gone up exponentially and my ability to treat them has expanded enormously since I started this practice. For decades I’ve been searching for the catalyst that allows us to consciously join with the unseen force that creates and binds all together. Brendan’s qigong is that catalyst. I strongly endorse Brendan’s teaching.”
Kevin Smith, D.C.
Genesis Qigong Helps Reiki Master Through Emotional Crisis
“Like a sacred circle, Brendan’s qigong class has provided me with a safe place in which to do my healing work. Just 48 hours before I happened to find myself in one of his introductory classes, my marriage had fallen apart. Even though I was in shock, I instantly knew that I needed to practice this style of qigong in order to help myself through this crisis. After each class I attended, I could feel a glimmer of chi energy growing within me. Brendan shared his personal experiences of self healing in such a positive way that I felt motivated to keep going through my struggle to find myself again. I found his classes helped me to develop and maintain many healthy habits.
Brendan’s Qigong prevented me from going down into despair or into any type of long-term negative thinking or activity. Instead, it helped me to grow a stronger sense of wellness than I had ever felt before. Building my qigong practice has helped to benefit me in all areas of my life, especially in my emotions, my thinking and my sense of place in the world.
I am truly grateful to Brendan for teaching us these ancient yet powerful exercises that I have found to be so life enhancing.”
Tonya Rehder, LMP
Weight Loss, Improved Body Awareness, Stamina, & Sleep. Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Stability From Genesis Qigong
“My life has made a 180 degree turn for the better since I’ve been taking Qi Gong / Tai Chi classes from Brendan. I can’t even describe it. It has been a source of stability for me in my life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When I started Brendan’s classes my life was in a whirlwind. I was dealing with the death of my father, and loss of my job. My mind was in constant chaos; my health was starting to suffer from stress and weight gain, which then started reflecting on my relationships with my family and friends. Looking for alternative healing solution to cleanse my mind and body, I decided to take a few of Brendan’s introductory Qi Gong class, to my surprise I started feeling relaxed and peaceful after each class, so I decided to sign up for Brendan’s Level 1 class.
I’ve been studying and practicing Qi Gong / Tai Chi with Brendan now for five months, I am constantly amazed of the changes and improvements I feel in all aspects of my life. It has been a life changing experience with positive results. The benefits for me are internal, which changed my body awareness and internal strength.
~Physically -I feel more balanced, more stamina, and able to sleep through the night. I have learned much more about how my body feels from the inside, the connection with each individual organ. To listen within. I’m continually losing the excess weight I’ve been caring around for years.
~Emotionally – I am able to attain a balance of my emotions and physical sense of well-being which allow me to deal with the everyday stresses and demands of life in a much more positive light.
~Mentally – My mind is becoming clearer and more peaceful each day, the constant chatter seems to disappear from my mind, as I breathe in more energy. With this I am now able to acknowledge the concepts and beliefs that are no longer useful in my life. Giving me the ability to clear out these old programs from my deep consciousness, and replace with new concepts and beliefs that are in harmony with my mind, body and spirit.
~Spiritually – I have noted a renewed enthusiasm for my ‘self’ and appreciation on many levels. Realizing the more I surrender and allow myself to flow, the more opportunity is presented. I feel a beautiful connectedness more consistently throughout each day. More and more experiencing the vibrancy of my own spiritual energy, the unique treasure of awareness, knowledge, wisdom, talent, power and potential that reside within myself.
I encourage more and more people to step into their power and use techniques like Qi Gong to claim their divine birth right of perfect health on all levels of being.”
Best Self Care Ever Found. Balanced Energy & Severe Anxiety Issues Are Gone.
“Brendan’s Qigong class is the best Self-Care I have found in over 25 years. I am amazed at how little I react to stressful moments. My severe anxiety issues are gone & my energy levels stay constant throughout the day.”
Jill Morris, LNP, LMP, RMT
Nurse Improves Stress & Anxiety With Genesis Qigong
“Working with Brendan’s Qigong program has opened up a door for my gaining greater control of my stress and anxiety, and has enabled me to approach my job duties in a more whole grounded way. I now experience a greater level of happiness in my life and a more energized and balanced perspective from which to approach the complexities of health care and modern life.”
Andrew J. Gillig RN, BSN, CCM