
Qigong Sleep Study

The Noble School of Qigong and Tai Chi is conducting a study on the effects of Qigong on sleep quality. Qigong is an internal “Authentic Qi” energy healing practice integrating “Authentic Qi” energy exercises with breathing, meditation, and gentle movements. Qigong has been used for thousands of years to increase health, strength and longevity. The Ancient Qigong masters created the foundations of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

We are looking for individuals that are insomniacs (individuals whose poor sleep quality is affecting their health and quality of life), who are committed to finding a drug-free solution to their sleep disorder. In the Qigong sleep study classes, the selected individuals will learn specific exercises to balance internal energies directly related to the quality of one’s sleep. To see if you are eligible for the study, please click the link below to be directed to a screening questionnaire. We will contact you if you pre-qualify for the study.

Link to Sleep Study Questionnaire surveymonkey sleep study that expired.

Qi-Massage Therapy with Brendan Thorson LMP.

These sessions are appropriate for:

  • Maintaining or Improving Physical Health
  • Acute Injuries
  • Chronic Aches and Pains
  • Old Injuries
  • Muscular & Structural Imbalances 

Brendan uses a combination of the following in his Qi-Massage Sessions:

  • Qigong Massage.
  • Myofascial Release Therapy originating from the Rolfing and Hellerwork traditions
  • Movement exercises to support the health, strength and flexibility
  • Teaches and prescribes exercises to increase the health, strength and range of motion of the the joints and muscles.
  • Washington State massage license number MA 00010152


What is Qi or Chi energy? I had a friend recently say to me “It’s like all in your head, right? The Qi?” Wrong. I once told a Yoga instructor I was taking Qigong lessons and she said “Oh, I love those little dances you do.” This is not the type of Qigong that has worked for me, the kind that actually generates qi energy. The kind of Qigong I practice is Yi Ren Qigong, created from ancient Chinese Traditions.

Qi energy is not something imagined or a trick: It has to be felt to be believed and cannot be fully explained or understood with words. However, the Qi can energize your mind and body and bring balance to both: I have felt it work in my life and have been practicing Qigong and Tai Chi since the fall. However, in order for one to truly feel qi, one has to practice Qigong and Tai Chi correctly. Enter my teacher Brendan Thorson.

I remember feeling really unbalanced and moody/depressed off and on over the least few years. There could be a plethora of reasons for this, but they are not important. I looked for answers everywhere: herbs, anti-anxiety and depression meds, exercise, meditation etc, all of which worked a little, but not enough. One day I spoke with Brendan Thorson at the gym where I workout, and he told me about his new career path as a Qigong/Tai Chi instructor. So I decided to check out one of his intro-classes. What I was in for was a sensation I have never felt before. It was as if I discovered a well of energy within my body.

The first time I experienced Qi, it felt as though static electricity was traveling up my arms and down my torso. It was subtle the first two sessions of Qigong, but over the ensuing weeks, became stronger and stronger.

Of course, everybody has bad days, right? I recently had a horrible day and was going completely bonkers. That evening I attended a Qigong review session with Brendan Thorson and afterwards, felt more balanced and more energized. My sour attitude even changed from grumpy to at ease and optimistic. I felt stronger when going to the gym after the class, where (in addition to lifting weights) I practiced the natural progression of Qigong, Tai Chi: The two complement each other wonderfully. Moreover (although this takes awhile for most to develop this sense) , I do not crave “junk food” as much as my body is more able to decipher which foods are good and which are bad for my particular system, almost by sense of smell or intuition. I am not kidding. This is not to say that everyone will develop this sense as quickly, but most people will definitely feel the Qi, and it will help them restore balance and rejuvenate their bodies.

Brian – January 8th 2010


“I started taking Qi Gong with Brendan Thorson over a year ago. I had never taken a Qi Gong class before and didn’t know what to expect. During the very first class I began to feel a startling sensation:  a magnetic, taffy-like energy between my hands and a current spiraling from my head through the core of my body. Admittedly, I was both unsettled and full of wonder about what this mysterious feeling was. It was Qi, and my new awareness of it would change my life.  Later that day after my first class, I began to feel discomfort in my chest as if a cork were stuck and trying to burst. I remember thinking that I wasn’t so sure Qi was a good thing! In retrospect, I understand that the Qi was working to push through years of stagnant accumulation in my chest—feelings I had held onto that were impeding my health, my ability to be open, and in general my ability to “go with the flow.” Within a couple more classes with Brendan my chest became clear, the discomfort went away, and I began to experience a strong connection with Qi during my practices. During some practices the Qi felt like a gentle, cleansing waterfall through my head and hands. I could take a deep breath. I was sleeping better at night. I was feeling more vitality. A light that I hadn’t seen in my eyes for a while returned. My skin seemed to glow. I was happier and feeling more in tune with myself, connected with others, and more at ease with the ebb and flow of the universe. I became dedicated to cultivating Qi and to continuing to strengthen my reserves and to leading a more aware, healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Recently I moved from Seattle to Los Angeles. What I have missed most is Brendan’s class! Whenever I come back to Seattle to visit I always try to participate in as many of Brendan’s classes as I can. Brendan’s classes even partly inspired me to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicinein Los Angeles. I love my classes and am excited to be on this new path. I am grateful to say that Brendan’s Qi Gong class and my personal discovery of the wonders of Qi cultivation have enhanced my life.  I wholeheartedly recommend Brendan’s classes to anyone who is curious about exploring Qi Gong.”

Catherine, Los Angeles – 5/31/2010

Chakra Healing, Increased Self-Awareness & Physical & Emotional Releases & Healing

“I met Brendan while he was advertising for his training at a street fair in the University District. I had been told about the benefits of Qi Gong previously, and was slightly interested, but would have walked right on by him if I had not felt so drawn into his warm and open presence. Over the next couple weeks I attended three of Brendan’s Qi Gong sessions.

Within minutes of the first session, I was able to viscerally feel the energy (Qi) between my hands in the form of a hot, magnetic charge. By the end of the session, I could “magnetically” connect with each of seven major energy centers (Chakras) on my body. The session helped me to feel more balanced in my body, and it helped my body to feel more alive and alert. I left with an invigorating, pulsating energy moving through my entire body.

Cultivating my relationship with the Qi has already, with only several days of practice, dramatically affected my relationship with my body and my mind. As if the energy had a secret treasure map of my body, it moves through me, uncovering emotional goldmines I have kept buried, out of fear. This experience has proved to be both confusing and refreshing– to really look at the emotional trauma I have faced is painful, but the physical and emotional releases I am experiencing through this process are profound. I feel lighter, and more free.

Brendan is a humble and passionate coach and teacher. He is invested in and maintains a thorough understanding of the value of his work. Brendan has learned to present Qi Gong, the vocabulary around which may confuse the Western mind, in a totally accessible way to individuals and groups of people with myriad constructions of foundational knowledge.

I deeply and wholeheartedly believe in the value of this work, individually and in reference to our global community. I am excited to continue my Qi Gong practice, and I am deeply grateful to have found such a kind and supportive guide in Brendan.”


Improved Blood Pressure, Releasing of Childhood Trauma & Physical Tension & Pain

“I’ve taken Qigong classes from Brendan Thorson for approximately one year.  I take the classes weekly and also practice at home.  The movements are calming and easily learned. Brendan’s method does not require physical strength, and does not make me sweat or breathe heavily.  It is helping to resolve long-standing issues of balance, symmetry and stiffness that have not responded to anything else.

As a result of Brendan’s classes, I feel livelier, stronger, more energetic and more relaxed.  I am beginning to feel my body gradually release and get back to the norm.  And my blood pressure is substantially lower, without the use of medication or other medical treatment.

From a young age I was subjected to periodic severe beatings at home, and lived in an atmosphere of fear.  My body started having many holding patterns, causing my muscular and skeletal structure to be unbalanced.  For example, my left leg measured a half-inch shorter than the right leg because of the holding.  I thought it actually was shorter… but have realized that unconscious muscular tension held it that way.

Over the years I pursued many different types of therapies to resolve the emotional impact of these childhood experiences.  Brendan’s classes are providing me with an unexpected, and most welcome, physical relief, energy and vitality.”

GL, Seattle

Energy Activation & Energy Feelings Through Body

“I had no idea what to expect when starting the beginner Qigong/Tai Chi class, except that it would possibly be a new technique to use for self improvement. From the very first class, I could feel the powerful energy between my hands and a little through my body and I thought to myself, “These feelings seem familiar.” I’ve felt this before but had no idea what it was. It excites me to know that I can now learn to control this energy. The dull pains in my chest, shoulder center and kidneys I felt the day after class confirmed how powerful these techniques are.

Brendan shows great care in helping his students understand these techniques and encourages us to not get too discouraged if you don’t “get it” right away.  I am now hopeful that as I continue to use Qigong techniques along with my other positive habits, I will be able to reach my personal goals to become a better person inside and out.”

Joy Baer

Combining Therapy & Genesis Qigong For Overcoming Emptiness, Loneliness & Isolation

“I moved to Seattle 3 years ago from the East Coast…. Almost immediately upon arriving, I felt a total disconnect to the West Coast.  As each month passed, I felt worse.  I would say to people that I felt “soulless”.  I couldn’t feel anything, rarely laughed and spent most of my time huddled in my apartment.  The loneliness and isolation was virtually destroying me.  I tried many practitioners from channelers to soul retrieval…. But to no avail.

I had come to the conclusion that maybe if I moved to another state, I would feel better.  At the encouragement of my therapist, she got me to try to find an interest that I could participate in.  Well, the day I saw her, I decided Qi Gong would be something I might like.  I Googled the topic and in about 5 minutes I signed up for a session offered by Brendan the next night.

I attended (without much hope) I must admit, but the class was beyond anything I anticipated and from the first moment, I was hooked.  Brendan has such a gift for teaching and communicating with his students’.  I have just completed four sessions and it has brought amazing changes to my life.

I guess qi really is the life energy….. I feel whole again, am happy, find joy in life.  With every class, I feel an improvement.  I truly believe I will follow this path for the rest of my life.

And yes, I have even learned to love Seattle and its ‘laid-back’ people…………”
