
“Bone Marrow Washing” Student update #3: Kidneys-like Hot Coals & Energy Flame Body (original article 12/20/2011)

By Brendan Thorson 4/15/2012,

Two weeks ago (3/31 and 4/1) at the Qigong Sound Energy Correspondence Seminar the “Bone Marrow Washing Student” began to experience new stages in the development of her energy body and deep healing happening at the organ level.

Over the past two months prior to this Sound Energy Center Correspondence Seminar she has continued to take 2 weekly classes (is currently taking the Jing and Rou class and the Level-3 class) and all the weekend seminars I have had recently (Levels 1 and 2).  She is continuing to build up her energy levels, as a result her energy and inner strength has gotten significantly deeper and more solid!  She is just continuing to get biologically younger and fresher feeling as every week and month pass!!

She had a few profound experiences during the Sound Energy Center Correspondence seminar:

1. She felt the energy directly working on healing her old Urinary Tract Infections.  Based on what I recall her sharing with me and the class, about 5-years ago she struggled with Urinary Tract infections for a couple of years and also took antibiotics during most of that time too to try and cure her Urinary Tract issue.  However, the Antibiotics were not very helpful for her, in fact she took one type of antibiotic for so long that her her body actually became resistant to it.  During the seminar she was feeling the energy working directly on the area of her Urinary Tract where she used to regularly feel the Urinary Tract infection.  In fact, she said she could feel the energy going through a two cycle phase repeating itself over and over again one after the other.

A) Phase-1: Energy nourishing and laying down layers of fresh qi (like spreading a layer of lotion) over the area of the old injury

B) Phase-2: Energy that felt to her like a scrapping/ cleaning right over the area of the old injury to release the old unhealthy energies there.

“Urinary Tract infections are just one of a thousand or more diseases humans can get related to Weak/ Deficient Kidneys”

To summarize she felt the qi working directly to restore her old injury with a combination of nourishing energy and clearing/cleaning energy–the bodies healing potential is really amazing once it has extra vital energy available for healing!

2. She also had another great experience related to her reaching higher stages of energetic development.  During our Kidney sound exercise and meditation she began to feel her whole body was like one Big-Hot-Flame (Imagine a Candle Flame surrounding your whole body) and the origin of her flame she felt what she described as two Hot-little-Coals one on each side of her body that she realized were her Kidneys.

I continue to be impressed with this ladies determination to prioritize her healing and make the Qigong the most important thing in her life at this time.  I hate to say it but she is rare.  I meet many people deeply struggling with their health, but they are not willing to make it a priority.  In fact, I have had many students who begin to take my classes because they want to improve their health and low energies, then as soon as they start feeling a little better they stop the training because they are no longer exhausted and have already forgotten why they decided to take the classes in the first place.

Link to series of articles about this ladies, “Bone Marrow Washing Student” healing and development process since November 2011:

  1. Article #1
  2. Article #2
  3. Article #3

Healing Knees & Shoulders, Transformed Sleep, Increased Energy, Stress Capacity, Concentration & Jedi Skills

“I have been studying Qigong with Brendan Thorson for 8-months now and it has been incredible.  I am currently a student pursuing an engineering degree, have many areas of interest in metaphysics, have taken roughly 7-years of yoga pursued with a devotion to connecting deeply to myself and my surroundings.  Yoga has definitely shifted myself and the dynamic relationship with the world both internally and externally.  At a certain point in my yoga training I ungrounded myself and it took me several years to find something that would be effective for me with where I was and allow me to take it further and deeper, once I was able to ground myself and could return to the homeostasis state.  I found the ability to not only ground myself in qigong but take the experience even further.  As with how yoga opened my eyes to how amazing life could become if your bliss is nurtured, so to with qigong although totally different, amazing in another way entirely.  I began to feel the energy pathways of my organs, certain chronic pains from joints and my back have for the most part healed themselves and I can feel them continuing to do so J.  I have found it to be absolutely incredible and will continue exploring it probably for many years.  It has the potential to be paradigm shifting and exponentially amazing.  The greatest impact has been to my overall sense of well-being, being grounded and tapping into and releasing the stored emotional baggage [Energy Blockages] with the strength from being grounded and the presence of mind to comfortably engage and set free these past issues putting that bounce back into my step and the wonderful feeling of feeling healthy and that it can keep getting better.

Some of the benefits I’ve experienced:

  • A growing sense of well being as my deep internal energy levels have improved
  • Certain chronic ailments are no longer causing me trouble (my knees, and rotator cuff)
  • Increased retention in my studies
  • Starting to feel the internal energy from my organs and the meridians as they circulate within my body
  • I generally sleep less and feel much more rested with the less sleep (which has been awesome!)
  • Im becoming able to maintain my sense of the self I want to be even when under stressful situations and have the presence of mind during so to act as I would feel good about after 🙂 which can be developed with any meditation yet in Qigong it is definitely uniquely incredible.
  • Over all I am finding that with this meditation I am building and nurturing a metaphorical “ball rolling down a hill”, as my greater energy levels are increasing.  Its not particularly difficult but is definitely something to take seriously if you have interest in biological energy fields especially your own.

I am deeply grateful for this opportunity I have been given to study with Brendan.”

–Andrew Forrayi

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  1. Inform the school of the referral within 72hrs. of the new student signing up for their class or seminar
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Heart and Kidney Qigong for Self-Healing and Self-Care

Over the past 5,000+ years the ancient Taoists discovered many secrets to healing and maintaining one’s health.  Now many of these secrets are available to you from Yi Ren® Qigong! In this introductory class you will learn to activate your energy field and your internal energy system.  We will focus on the activation and balancing of the Heart and the Kidney Energy Centers. Join Yi Ren Qigong instructor BRENDAN THORSON, LMP, of The Noble School of Taichi & Qigong Training to begin your journey.

Vibrant heart energy is essential for one to have the Power of Self Love and Self Healing. While the Kidneys are our Internal Power Station and having powerful kidney energy is necessary for one to have a strong and healthy body and mind. The kidneys are related to the strength of the bones and bone marrow.  The heart is related to the quality of the blood vessels and to the blood circulation and internal energy flow.

Balancing of the Kidney/ water and Heart/ fire energies of the 5-Elements and the Yin and Yang energies is an important step in the internal cultivation process and essential for one to improve and maintain their health:

  1. This step begins to bring our water/ yin and fire/ yang energies back into harmony
  2. The energetic connection between these two Energy Centers will give birth to new internal energy development
  3. The water energies of the kidney will control the fire energies of the heart so the fire will not allow the body to get too hot and dry
  4. The fire energies on the heart will keep the cool water energies of the kidneys in check so the body does not get too cold and wet
  5. Will help to release the excess fear and paranoia energies of the kidneys and promote the development of self esteem, self confidence, courage and self will
  6. Will help to release the excess jealous and envious energies of the heart and promote the development of joy, admiration, appreciation and respect
  7. And much more

Brendan will be offering a Level One Yi Ren® weekend seminar on July 20 and 21

Elixir Field and Kidney Qigong for Self-Healing and Self-Care

Over the past 5,000+ years the ancient Taoists discovered many secrets to healing and maintaining one’s health. Now many of these secrets are available to you from Yi Ren® Qigong! In this introductory class you will learn to activate your energy field and your internal energy system. We will focus on the activation and balancing of the Elixir Field (Dantian) and the Kidney Energy Centers. Join Yi Ren Qigong instructorBRENDAN THORSON, LMP, of The Noble School of Taichi & Qigong Training to begin your journey.

A Vibrant Elixir Field is essential for one to maintain Powerful Regeneration Energiesthroughout life for enhanced vitality, longevity and creativity. The Elixir Field is our energy source for Self-Healing, Personal Growth and Spiritual Development. While the Kidneys are our Internal Power Station and having powerful kidney energy is necessary for one to have a strong and healthy body and mind. The kidneys are related to the strength of the bones and bone marrow.

  • Activation of the Kidney fire energies is a key to the activation of the Elixir Field
  • Deeper internal connection between the Kidneys and the Elixir Field enhances one’s internal healing powers
  • Our Elixir Field is more or less like our Energetic Bank Account–thus we want to keep our energetic bank account full so we will have the energy to live a full life. Just like one wants to have plenty of money saved for retirement. “In my experience, one’s energetic bank account is even more important than one’s financial bank account because you can always earn money if you are strong and healthy, but you cannot enjoy your life regardless how much money you have if you do not have your health.”

Additional Benefits from the Development of the Elixir Field:

  • Help women get over premenopausal symptoms
  • Center to nourish our Mother energies
  • Connects to the Moon energies

Brendan will be offering a Level One Yi Ren Qigong Seminar on 7/20 and 7/21.

Brendan has had articles published in the last five Editions ofQi Magazine:The Journal of Traditional Health and Fitness.Including the current 2013 Summer edition of Qi Magazine. Below is a list of some of Brendan’s recent articles:

Article Ideas

  1. Common for women to experience extra blood flow t otheir period to help their body clean and purify themself out.  thus when ladies experince this aspect to the healing process it is not a bad thing but instead a blessing in disguise and ladies don’t want to get scared from this experience.  it is common for ladies to have extra heavy blood flow or maybe extra periods in the first few months
  2. righting about detachment to explain how one needs to not lose themself.  like when a frnd get sick they need to continue to work on themself and the better they feel the better they will be able to help their frnd or loved one.  People too often lose the fact that this is there life and they open their heart so much to help others but they go past their capacity and compromise their life and growth opportunity.
  3. qigong development need to put lots of energy into getting the system going but once you get to right level then it works to bring you energy for your future—much like how it takes lots of energy to get a plane up to altitude, but once at altitude it dos not take much energy to keep it going.
  4. students being triggered by others, but it is really there own shit being trigered not a problem with another person.  part of our growing process is to see it is our stuff and not another person who has a problem
  5. low blood sugar
  6. Making chinese medicine alive in your body.  not a concept or philosophy but a reality.
  7. losing weight–energies vibrant and healthy and have released all the old shit built up in your system then one will naturally have the shape of the youth
  8. Candida and balancing the ph levels
  9. overcoming immune weaknesses
  10. Becoming a Sage
  11. Becoming a wiseman
  12. Need to build a solid foundation to create a healthy life….. handle much more stress and make life easier
  13. Male /female differences… build opposite eneriges and better understand the opposite sex
  14. Seeing the food programs you have created for yourself…like what I did to myself from the ayuvedic doctor
  15. Don’t get stuck… integrate all appropriate exercises into practice.  once have qi it is all qigong.  the most important thing is to make ourselves healthy and strong… do not be rigid and let your mind be flexible
  16. Socially awkward… society screwed up from computers, environment, facebook…..
  17. Add adhd…
  18. Real grounding… not an idea or concept–like I heard in massage school–like I hear and read from others all the time
  19. EFT and qigong how as one goes deeper they continue to find the layers of energy that needs to be released.
  20. Urinary tract infections… inflamation reducing diet trend— need to build up kidney qi— acupuncturins not understand chinese medicine and kidney – Urinary bladder relatinship and instead of building up kidney qi take food to reduce internal power….
  21. REiki vsqigong- explain the enrgy cultivation vs. trying to heal others…
  22. transforming toxic thoughts and emotions
  23. Yi ren qigong facelifts… in fact I still get ideed sometimes when I buy wine now at age of 43
  24. Weight loss gals with taichi and jing rou…. melissa and aria..ideal to reset metabalism and our lifestyle… we are what we eat and think  and do ie exercise
  25. grounded and yiren qigong.. acupuncturist taking classes not at all grounded and was having a hard time all the energy was causing her to get too extreme feelings yang too hot and cooked feeling… I use to feel so light headed and uncomfotable around her and then gave her prescription of exercises to do and now she is doing much better and very strong and grounded (began to feel for a while very grounded with her like stuck to the earth grounded…)
  26. Dreams and information system open up…. practitioners begin to get valuable informaiton to guide them in their life and other important information
  27. Manic depression; Bipolar affective disorder…ivan
  28. multiple personalities…
  29. Recently many counselors and psychotherapists have been interested in studying yi ren
  30. yi ren at wi hsing tao..connecting the studetns to their internal enrgies so they can begin to understand chinese medicine from their both their mental studies but also more deeply from their internal feelings of ….
  31. write about all the different experinces teacing different teachers and most never flet qi before or anything like they did in my class but never come back..
  32. Many yoga and martial arts folks feel qi so strong in intro class that is spooks many of them …they go from saying they are so enthusiatst to taking the classes ….. will sign up for next series and then they never reply to emails or phone calls… and they never
  33. Can connect to all spiritual paths from this training. if buddisht make better connection.. if christian also make better connection too… I have connections and support from many spiritual paths of both the east and the west.  Taoists, buhdist, indian, saint germain and saint Brendan….
  34. Many Counselors and therapist are now getting very interested in Yi Ren qigong..
  35. More with Mantak chias name in blog
  36. Bruce Frantzits and brian connection
  37. Counselors gaining interest in Yi Ren
  38. post tramatic stress disorder michael crabtree…
  39. Discuss how many people exercise past their bodies capacity
  40. Explain how many people whose health is bad try exercise and do too much and drain, deplete and imbalance their eneriges and health even more….
  41. Thyroid problems top ten signs have thyroid problem
  42. Low testosterone levels in men
  43. Low estrogen levels in women
  44. Vegaterianism and weak body…. organs glands hormone levels…
  45. Women and menopause
  46. Improve complexion of face, reduce acne for both men and women-cleansing of internal waste and improve circulation and balance of hormones
  47. Upgrading your power source: external energy sources, internal engine, all the other motors and engines and the energy pathways, Power source like water running through a dam in a river turning a generator creating energy that can then go into the energy grid and move throughout the body.  Some people may naturally run at 220volts, but as they have aged there body is now running on 110volts so we can upgrade our energies so we can once again run on 220volts.  When a practitioter get more developed they can begin to find more than one source of energy.  Just like we have solar energy wind energy, gas, oil, water

To be more specific Yi Ren Training can create better internal balance of the liver by releasing old unhealthy energies of the liver while simultaneously nourishing and rebalancing the energies of the liver too.   The liver is related to frustration, anger, disappointment, while the gallbladder is related to pride……… In addition, to working on the liver we need to go deeper and work to create harmony between its yin and yang organ partners and all of the other five element partners and organs too.  As one begins to create better internal balance of the liver and all the internal organs then there can

An analogy of  the pms when the liver and other organs are not in harmony is like traffic during rush hour in seattle and then throw in a combination of road construction and accidents to the mix and the traffic can not move smoothly and it is a very stressful commute. 

To further illustrate the impact of an imbalanced liver and Liver imbalances with other organs is to use to use an analogy of traffic and traffic issues related to road construction , car accidents,…organ imbalances between the liver and other organs is to raffic

As a result, if one were to have an imbalanced Liver then the other organs health and balance will also be negatively affected.  While at the same time if the health of an organ other than the Liver becomes imbalanced it will begin to cause imbalances to the other organs.  Thus, the health of all the organs are interconnected and a domino affect occurs between the organs balance when one organ is out of balance.  It is not much different than the traffic health of a major metropolitan area.  For instance, if a  metropolitan areas road system is seriously compromised during high traffic times then you could say it is like an imbalanced liver that is overwhelmed during high traffic times of the month.  To further illustrate traffic will become even more affected during high traffic times during times of road construction or an accident on the major roadways.

All of the organs and organ systems are intertwined and dependent on the health of the other organ systems.  Therefore, ultimately the health of the Liver is dependent on the health of all the other organs in the five element system and appropriate levels of qi, yin, yang, and blood.  The 5-elements consist of the Wood (Liver/ Gall Bladder), Fire (Heart/ Small Intestines), Earth (Pancreas/ Stomach), Metal (Lungs/ Large Intestines), and Water (Kidneys/ Urinary Bladder).  In addition, there is the Reproductive system and Spleen/ Lymphatic System which are special organs related to maintaining the vitality, safety and protection of all the 5-elements (organs systems).

The Liver’s health is directly related to the health of the other organs and organ systems.  Therefore,

As the internal balance of the organs become more and more out of harmony then health of the liver is more compromised.  For example, it is not much different from a road system that is not up to par with the local traffic requirements.  Thus, when traffic is at its peak the roads system is overwhelmed and the traffic is severely compromised.  Then add in accidents, road construction and the traffic gets even worse

Kidney Dialysis and Yi Ren Qigong / Qigong Healing Sessions

By Brendan Thorson 4/16/2012,

To my knowledge so far I have worked with 3 separate individuals that were having Kidney Dialysis.  It has been a very enlightening experience for me and I have always seen very positive results in the students/ clients who have donfor the people from the Qigong.

I recall my first experience was about 3 years ago.   Then, about 1 year ago I had my second experience with a student.  Lastly, over the past month I was doing some healing treatments with a man also undergoing Kidney Dialysis.  During my first experience every class she was in I could feel my kidneys were more active than they usually are while teaching

Qigong Facelifts–heals bad acne

Transforming your facial appearance by upgrading and healing your internal energies

By Brendan Thorson 5/2/12,

Everyone wants to look their best and many people try a variety of remedies and or products hoping it will help them look younger, stronger, healthier and more vibrant.  I commonly see advertisements on TV or magazines for plastic surgery, facial creams, soaps, facial massage and balms claiming they will make you look younger, tighten your skin, erase your wrinkles, remove the dark circles or puffiness under your eyes...  What most people do not realize is the face's appearance is a mirror of one's internal health and vitality.

Thus, focusing ones energy directly on their face will only bring short term beauty appearances because it is not addressing the origin of the problem if one looks older than their age then it is a clear indication their energies are prematurely depleted.

The Ancient Taoists Masters who created Chinese Medicine clearly saw the correltion of areas of the face and organ and or energy imbalances related to each area.

Face reading is a way to see what energies are out of balance on someone.  It can be very good to

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A <em>facial massager</em> tones up your face, smoothes away wrinkles, and helps you recapture the bloom of youth, safely and naturally.

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